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Low Acid Coffee

Low Acid Coffee

Normalpris 49,00 DKK
Normalpris Udsalgspris 49,00 DKK
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Vores Low Acid Coffee er en game changer for dem med følsomme maver. Du kan drikke denne kaffe uden at få uro i maven. Nyd en rig og smagfuld kop, der er god for din mave. Perfekt til kaffeentusiaster, der ønsker både smag og behag.

Se komplette oplysninger

Colombia Excelso Low Acid - kaffeparametre

  • Oprindelsesland: Colombia
  • Region: Antioquia-Medellin
  • Højde: Over 1000m AMSL
  • Forarbejdning: Vasket
  • Kaffebønner: 100% Arabica
  • Sort: Caturra, Catuai
  • Standardsteg: Medium mørk (Wien / Fuld by)

  • Koffein: 2/5
  • Surhedsgrad: 0/5
  • Intensitet: 4/5
Lett Low acid coffee taste chart

Glat chokolade-karamellykke med en nøddeagtig hvisken

Denne kaffe har en rig chokoladebase, suppleret med subtile karamel-undertoner og en nøddeagtig antydning af jordnødder. Dens robuste intensitet skinner uden det skarpe bid og tilbyder en jævn og lavbitterhedsoplevelse.

Oplev kaffe perfektion

Hvorfor kan folk lide vores kaffe?

Udforsk deres historier og find ud af, hvorfor de elsker at starte deres dag med en kop LETT-kaffe.

  • The coffee delivers what it promises

    The coffee delivered what it promised: A non-bitter and rich taste. The taste was not as strong as the coffee that I usually drink in the morning. Tomorrow morning I will try and make it a bit stronger.

    Anders Baumann

  • I love this coffee ♥️

    I love the smell of the coffee. The taste is mild, but still very flavorful. I tried to drink this coffee on an empty stomach and I didn’t have any digestive issues. I never drink coffee on an empty stomach, precisely because of too much of the acid. But LETT coffee was perfectly digestible. I will definitely keep drinking it ☺️


  • Coffee tastes great!

    LETT coffee has a wonderful taste. This is my first time having gentle coffee and I was expecting a compromise of taste in order to achieve the milder effect on the stomach. Fortunately, this is not the case 😊

    Christina Jensen

  • Great alternative for people with stomach discomfort

    The coffee works great for both latte and americano. The flavor is deep and full and the only taste difference from regular beans is that Lett coffee is more smooth. I normally don't have any stomach discomfort after coffee, but I imagine it's a great solution for people who suffer from stomach issues.

    Diana Korotenko

  • About Lett Low Acid Coffee

    I usually don’t feel like eating in the mornings but coffee on an empty stomach used to cause heartburn. Now with Lett I can enjoy my morning coffee without a problem.

    Diana Kali

  • A good coffee for people with problems with acidity.

    This unique coffee boasts a delightful blend of sweet tangerine acidity and a subtle touch of bitterness. Overall, it's a distinctive blend that caters to those who appreciate nuanced and dynamic coffee profiles.

    Julian Cardini

  • Great alternative to regular coffee!

    I think it is great to have an option for your guests who can’t drink regular coffee! Me and my guests really liked the taste, so I can highly recommend this product! ☕️☕️☕️

    Leonid Biekhtier

  • Soothing and rich 😋

    LETT coffee is different. It tastes delicate, rich and without the punch you might experience from other coffee brands. Perfect choice for a calm morning.

    Matt Soltani

  • Round and mild coffee

    It is a well-rounded and nice coffee. It is clear that it lacks some acidity you'd normally get in coffee, so its taste lacks some bitterness, but it is still nice when you want a mild and round coffee


  • This coffee is a game-changer!

    As someone who suffered from stomach discomfort with regular coffee, I was amazed at how gentle this blend is. Now, I can enjoy my coffee without any worries. Highly recommend for anyone with similar issues!

    Nikolai Kalistratov

  • Coffee is tasty and smooth, but I would prefer the stronger variant

    I really liked the coffee, I liked getting it first thing in the morning. I am used to stronger coffees though so I’m actually curious about the stronger variants. The taste is very smooth, and I feel like I could easily drink too much of it because of that

    Patryk Mazur

  • Great coffee!

    I was positively surprised that coffee can taste the same good and does not irritate the stomach. Liked it very much!


  • Tasty coffee without the acid

    I'm not a coffee connoisseur so the only way I know how to describe this coffee is TASTY! The words "smooth" and "rich" also come to mind. The coffee is both light and rich, without any bitterness or sourness. Despite the low acidity the coffee still feels well balanced.

    Sarah Payne

  • Good for an empty stomach!

    Very close to your traditional coffee but way less acidic! Very good and traditional flavor, if you present some discomfort while drinking coffee, this will help a ton! Especially for that first coffee in the morning on an empty stomach.

    Tomás Mayr

  • Light coffee as it promises

    Coffee meets all expectations, light and gentle for my stomach. I would like to get it a bit less roasted, but if brewed at 85-90 degrees - it tastes almost ideal!

    Yegor Lopatin

Se alle anmeldelser

Nøglefunktioner og fordele

Skånsom mod maven : Specielt designet til at minimere ubehag, så selv følsomme kaffeelskere kan forkæle sig selv uden bekymring.

Rig og glat smag : Lav-syre betyder ikke lav smag. Oplev en fyldig kaffe med en fløjlsblød finish.

Bedre fordøjelse : Reduceret syre betyder færre fordøjelsesproblemer som sure opstød eller halsbrand.

Perfekt til alle brygningsmetoder : Uanset om du elsker espresso eller kold bryg, passer vores bønner til enhver tilberedning.

Naturligt forarbejdet : Vores bønner er behandlet med en 100% naturlig proces, der sikrer renhed og kvalitet i hver kop.

Venlig for tænderne : Lavere surhedsgrad hjælper med at reducere risikoen for emaljeerosion, hvilket fremmer en bedre tandsundhed.

Mindre koffein : Nyd en blid, men smagfuld bryg, perfekt til dem, der søger stabil energi uden ubehag. Vores kaffe henvender sig til både koffeinfølsomme personer og dem, der foretrækker en mildere kop. Nyd hver slurk, velvidende at det er let for din gane og mave.

Lett Low acid coffee heals from digestive issues

Prøv lav-syre kaffe, hvis...

du nogensinde har oplevet et eller flere af følgende symptomer efter at have drukket almindelig kaffe:

  • Acid Reflux : Brænding i brystet eller halsen.
  • Halsbrand : Brænding fra mave til bryst.
  • Fordøjelsesproblemer : Løs afføring eller diarré.
  • Oppustethed/gas : På grund af øget mavesyre.
  • Andre: (Mavekramper, kvalme, gurglende, gastritis, GERD: Kronisk sure opstød og hyppig halsbrand


Hvad er lavsyrekaffe?

Du kan drikke lavsyre kaffe uden at have gener i maven . Normalt opstår fordøjelsesproblemer på grund af syrerne i kaffebønner.

Syren i disse kaffebønner reduceres ved at bruge en helt naturlig metode, der involverer tryk og damp .

Denne unikke kaffe er perfekt til alle, der oplever fordøjelsesproblemer efter at have drukket almindelig kaffe.

Vil du vide mere om lavsyrekaffe? Klik på knappen nedenfor "Læs mere"

Hvordan skal jeg brygge lavsyrekaffe?

Du kan brygge vores lavsyrekaffe ved hjælp af din foretrukne metode, det være sig fransk presse, dryp eller espresso. Den er alsidig og lækker, uanset hvordan du laver den.

Hvordan er din kaffe lavet med lav syre?

Vores kaffe gennemgår en naturlig presset dampproces, som fjerner de problematiske syrer og samtidig bibeholder de lækre smage og fordele ved almindelig kaffe.

Vil lavsyrekaffe smage anderledes?

Vores lavsyrekaffe bevarer alle de rige smage af almindelig kaffe, men uden den skarpe syrlige eftersmag.

Mange finder det endnu mere glat og sjovere.

Vores kaffe har en klassisk colombiansk Arabica-profil - en cremet, fyldig karakter med dominerende nøddeagtige, chokoladenoter og en tydelig karamelsødme. Smagen kan sammenlignes med almindelig colombiansk Arabica, med meget subtile forskelle.

Vil din kaffe hjælpe mig?

Vi er 100 % sikre på, at kaffe med lav syre vil hjælpe dig.

Du kan prøve en lille 100gr. prøvepakke vi har, og hvis du opdager, at kaffe ikke hjælper dig - vil vi returnere dig penge.